What it costs

With constant pressure on Local Authority and National Government budgets, funding for many services for older people is no longer available. Our aim is to ensure that our offer is as affordable and inclusive for as many of those who would benefit, as possible.

Guests pay £10.00 per session from 10.30am to 3pm, for which we provide refreshments, a two-course hot meal (supplied by the Walnut Tree Inn), and all activities at the Centre.

Free taster session

Provided a potential guest meets the eligibility criteria set out in our Admissions Policy, and we have a vacancy, we can offer a free taster session on a Monday or Friday from 10.30am to 12pm, so you can see whether what we offer is right for you. If it is, then our Centre Manager, Sandie Hawkins will complete the admission process with you.

We do ask that you book your session in advance so we can make sure resources are in place to look after you. Just call Sandie on 07835 272406 or email her at manager@meredaycentre.org.uk

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