The Day Centre receives no financial support from the Government or Local Authority, so the majority of our costs must therefore be met through fund raising, donations and legacies.
Donations do not always have to be monetary; they may be in kind, for example, giving raffle prizes for fund raising events, giving your time as a volunteer, offering to give a talk to the guests on something that interests you.
If you would like to support us with a financial donation, we have partnered with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), established over 100 years, to process secure online payments on our behalf. And if you are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid your donation, increasing the value to us by 25% at no cost to you. Payments can be made with all major debit/credit cards or by PayPal.
Donate online
Don’t forget that you can leave a legacy, no matter how small, in a will to help the people of Mere and District for the future.
Please support the Centre and the worthwhile contribution it makes to the local community. Quality of life in old age matters so much, and by providing these services we shall lessen problems in the future.
Be on the lookout for our local fund raising events and activities and please donate to them!