Admissions Policy

The mission of the Mere Day Centre is to promote the well-being and independence of older people, with the focus on reducing isolation as well as enriching a person’s life.  Building upon their skills, knowledge, unique strengths and interests, the emphasis is on what can be done, rather than on a person’s difficulties and limitations. The desired outcome is positive integration into the community of the Day Centre, recognising everyone’s right to be treated with respect and dignity.

Admission Criteria

Guests must be:

  • Over 60 years old
  • Experiencing a level of isolation which could impact on them remaining in their homes
  • Able to look after their personal matters such as feeding, toileting, and can stand from a sitting position without needing lifting.
  • Living within a 10 mile radius of Mere

If the person referred cannot meet these criteria, they will be signposted to a more appropriate agency.

Referrals are received from:

  • GPs/Primary care practitioners
  • Social Services
  • Family and Friends
  • Carer/s
  • Clergy
  • The person themsleves

Admissions Process

The admissions process aims to identify if the service can appropriately meet the needs of the prospective guest within the Centre’s environment.

The Centre Manager will make appropriate arrangements to complete an admission assessment with the prospective guest, either after a taster session, or in their own home. This assessment offers an opportunity to gather general information, ensure that all relevant details are obtained and that the person meets the criteria to attend the centre.

General Admission Rules

  • Guests may attend on one day per week, or both days, depending on an individual’s circumstances, including severity of need and Day Centre space availability.
  • If there are currently no places available, the guest may be placed onto the waiting list until  a place becomes available.
  • The Centre arranges bus transport (currently the Taxi Bus) for those living in Mere. For those in the environs of Mere the Link Scheme may be able to provide transport (subject to availability of drivers), otherwise own transport or a private taxi may be necessary. The Day Centre does not cover the costs of transport from home to the centre; this is the responsibility of individual guests.
  • Guests are encouraged to attend regularly, and should inform the Centre Manager if they are going to be away. If the manager has not been informed, and the absence was planned, a charge will be made to cover the lunch ordered.
  • Prolonged absence is occasionally unavoidable, and a guest’s place at the Day Centre will be kept open for a period of eight weeks, followed by weekly reviews. The Centre Manager’s decision is then discretionary depending on individual circumstances. After this time period the place may be offered to another guest on the waiting list. It is imperative that during this time the Centre Manager is regularly kept informed by the guest or family members with regards to the situation, otherwise there is a risk of the place being lost. This responsibility lies solely with the guest and their family members.
  • The Day Centre has a Code of Conduct, created in consultation with the guests, which recognises that we are all different and need to embrace the concept of diversity, always treating each other with respect and courtesy, valuing the contribution we can make as individuals.
  • The Centre Manager and session organisers are responsive to a guest’s changing needs. The Centre Manager maintains a ‘watching brief’ on the well-being of all guests, and monitors and reviews individuals on a regular basis, paying attention to any concerns as they arise.

The Centre Manager regularly reviews guests’ needs and if/when these change responds appropriately, making any reasonable adjustments that may be required to enable the guest to continue benefiting from the day centre service. If a guest’s needs become more than the centre can accommodate alternative provision will be sought wherever possible.

The Day Centre will keep all information securely. It can only be accessed by other agencies with full consent from the guest, their family or advocate.

The Day Centre cannot offer rehabilitation services or personal care.  This is because volunteers are not trained carers and are unable to help with personal care issues and toileting.  The Day Centre has no equipment to support non-weight bearing guests, but supporting guests to transfer to or from a wheelchair is manageable within the Day Centre’s environment and the skill base of the volunteers.  If extra care support is required and a guest or their family is able to organise a trained carer to accompany them to meet these needs then it may be possible for them to attend the Day Centre.

Unfortunately, we cannot manage guests who have severe or significantly disruptive dementia.

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